Musical theatre is all about singing, dancing, and acting – often, all three at the same time – so it’s important to know a little about each and feel confident about all of it. STUDIO ARTS will turn on SPOTLIGHT, focusing on each of these skills one at a time. Learn how body movement turns into choreography, how voice and music meet to sing a song, and how actors use words and actions to tell a story. Expert instructors in each discipline will guide, offer new ideas, and help build confidence in a positive, inclusive environment.
WHEN: Fridays, Feb. 21, 28 | March 7, 14, 21, 28 | April 4, 11, 18
TIME: 5 – 6:30 PM (Ages 7-11) | 6:45 – 8:15 PM (Ages 12-17)
WHERE: KU Studios, 6066 N. Oracle Road.
COST: Tuition FREE
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