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Audiology Assistance

We provide assistance to families who may have difficulty affording audiology testing, and audiology devices for their children or need help with repairs to their children’s devices.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), hearing care, including hearing tests and hearing aids, is not universally deemed medically necessary or covered as an essential health benefit. The ACA allows States to define what is included in the essential health benefits, and many States have not mandated coverage for hearing aids or related services for adults.

Coverage for hearing tests and hearing aids is often left up to individual insurance providers and varies significantly from one plan to another. While some insurance plans may offer coverage for hearing tests or partial coverage for hearing aids, although many do not.

This is a large financial burden for many families. A set of hearing aids may cost anywhere from $900 – $6,000. Currently, in Arizona, pediatric hearing aids for children are not required to be covered by insurance providers. 

House Bill 2112

The Arizona State Legislation passed a bill to take effect on December 31, 2024, now requiring insurance providers to pay up to $2200 every three years for hear aid(s) and related service. Coverage for hearing aids may be subject to deductibles. The bill does not have language requiring coverage for hearing aid repairs. 

You may read the full bill below.