Teen & Young Adult Group

Children’s Clinics offers a fun and free Teen & Young Adult Group for ages 13 years and up. We invite you to join us once a month as we enjoy light snacks, connect with others, and participate in fun and inclusive activities.  

Teen & Young Adult Group Registration

  • Please identify an individual other than yourself that we can contact in case of an emergency.
    I authorize my child to participate in Children’s Clinics Childhood Experiences Programs. I acknowledge the risks inherent in the participation by my child. In my absence, I further authorize the staff representing Children’s Clinics to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention for my child and I hereby waive and release those staffers, and volunteers of Children’s Clinics from all liability for any injuries or illnesses, that may be incurred while participating in Children’s Clinics Childhood Experiences, while in attendance, except for injury directly resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct.
    I consent to the photographing/video recording/ audio recording of the above-named patients by Children's Clinics staff at this event. I agree the resulting images or recordings may be used for Children's Clinics publicity or marketing purposes (brochure, pamphlet, lobby display, social media posts, printed material, etc.). I understand that I have the right to reverse this consent, in writing, at any time before the image or recording is used for the purposes indicated above.


Adaptive Theatre

Join us for this eight-week Adaptive Theatre program that engages the Children’s Clinics community in various theatre and improvisation games. The goal is to support participants in exploring their imagination, creativity, and improvisation skills to build confidence and community – all in the spirit of joy and fun!

REGISTRATION IS NOW FULL. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please fill out the application below.

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