Car Seat Check Safety Event

Do you have questions about the safety of your child in his or her car seat? Come and get your car seat professionally checked by a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician at Children’s Clinics. *This event is for Children’s Clinics families only.


  • your personal vehicle
  • current car seat
  • the child that uses that car seat

You must register to attend this event. This event is FREE. Car seat safety check appointments are in 30-minute slots. Each 30-minute appointment is for one car seat and one child only. Please sign up each child and car seat individually.

SPANISH: Evento de Revisión de Seguridad de Sillas de Auto Para Bebés

Evento de revisión de sillas de auto para bebés: ¿Tiene preguntas sobre la seguridad de la silla de auto de su bebé? Asista y haga que su silla de auto sea revisada profesionalmente por un técnico de seguridad de pasajeros infantiles con certificación a nivel nacional.  *Solo para las familias de Children’s Clinics

~ Los intervalos horarios son para un niño/una silla de auto solamente Por ejemplo, si tiene dos hijos con sillas de auto, debe seleccionar dos intervalos horarios.

Cuándo: Miércoles, 22 de enero de 2025 de 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Debe inscribirse para un intervalo horario de cita de 30 minutos.

Dónde: Estacionamiento de Children’s Clinics; lado oeste del edificio

Costo: Gratuito

Cosas que debe traer:

  • su vehículo
  • al bebé
  • la silla de auto actual


Sibshop (ages 7-12)

Brothers and sisters, ages 7 to 12, with siblings who have complex medical needs, have feelings that may be hard to express, even to a friend. Sibshop is that safe space that allows them to explore and express their feelings and meet others with shared experiences who truly understand. Sibshop celebrates the many contributions made by brothers and sisters to the family and engages them through fun and interactive games.
Sibshop Is Just For Siblings To: 
  • Laugh
  • Have fun
  • Play games
  • Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sibling with special needs
  • Spend time with other siblings that “get it”
  • A chance to be heard and seen

This group meets every third Thursday of the month (2025 Dates: 1/16, 2/20, No March meeting, 4/17, 5/15, 6/19, 7/17, 8/21, 9/18, 10/16). If you’re new to the group, please register for the event.

Sibshop Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Participant's Name*
Participant's Preferred Language*
Is the Participant a patient at Children's Clinics?
Is the Participant's sibling(s) with a disability a patient at Children's Clinics?
Parent/Guardian Name*
How do you prefer to be contacted?*
Please identify an individual other than yourself that we can contact in case of an emergency.
Please check that you have read and agree to the following:*
I consent to the photographing/video recording/ audio recording of the above-named patients by Children's Clinics staff at this event. I agree the resulting images or recordings may be used for Children's Clinics publicity or marketing purposes (brochure, pamphlet, lobby display, social media posts, printed material, etc.). I understand that I have the right to reverse this consent, in writing, at any time before the image or recording is used for the purposes indicated above.
Agreement: I agree to stay at Children's Clinics throughout the duration of the group for my child.*

Walk, Ride, or Roll October 5th

Join us October 5th, for our Superhero themed Walk, Ride, or Roll event! Family and friends are invited to walk, ride a tricycle, bicycle, scooter, or use a wheelchair to get some exercise and connect with others in the community. Costumes are optional and encouraged! All Abilities Welcome!

Must Register Below!

Walk, Ride, or Roll Event - Oct 5, 2024

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 8.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 8.
    I consent to the photographing/video recording/ audio recording of the above-named patients by Children's Clinics staff at this event. I agree the resulting images or recordings may be used for Children's Clinics publicity or marketing purposes (brochure, pamphlet, lobby display, social media posts, printed material, etc.). I understand that I have the right to reverse this consent, in writing, at any time before the image or recording is used for the purposes indicated above. / Yo consiento la toma de fotografías/grabación de video/grabación de audio de los participantes mencionado anteriormente por el personal de la Clínica de los Niños en este evento. Estoy de acuerdo con que las imagines o grabaciones resultantes sean usadas para los propósitos de publicidad o marketing (folleto, panfleto, exposición en el vestíbulo, publicaciones de redes sociales, materiales impresos, etc.). Entiendo que tengo el derecho de revertir este consentimiento, en escrito, en cualquier antes de que la imagen o grabación sean usados para los propósitos indicados anteriormente.
    I authorize my child to participate in Children’s Clinics Childhood Experiences Programs. I acknowledge the risks inherent in the participation by my child. In my absence, I further authorize the staff representing Children’s Clinics to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention for my child and I hereby waive and release those staffers, and volunteers of Children’s Clinics from all liability for any injuries or illnesses, that may be incurred while participating in Children’s Clinics Childhood Experiences, while in attendance, except for injury directly resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct. /Autorizo que mi hijo participe en los Programas de Experiencias Infantiles de la Clínica de los Niños. Reconozco los riesgos adjuntos a la participación de mi hijo. En mi ausencia, autorizo al personal representante de la Clínica de los Niños a actuar por mi acorde a su mejor juicio en cualquier emergencia que requiera atención médica para mi hijo y por el presente exento y libero a esos empleados y voluntarios de la Clínica de los Niños de toda responsabilidad de cualquier lesiones o enfermedades que pudieran adquirir mientras participan en Experiencias Infantiles de la Clínica de los Niños, mientras atienda, excepto por lesiones resultantes directamente de negligencia grave o mala conducta intencional.

Teen & Young Adult Group

Children’s Clinics offers a fun and free Teen & Young Adult Group for ages 13 years and up. We invite you to join us once a month as we enjoy light snacks, connect with others, and participate in fun and inclusive activities.  

Teen & Young Adult Group Registration

  • Please identify an individual other than yourself that we can contact in case of an emergency.
    I authorize my child to participate in Children’s Clinics Childhood Experiences Programs. I acknowledge the risks inherent in the participation by my child. In my absence, I further authorize the staff representing Children’s Clinics to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention for my child and I hereby waive and release those staffers, and volunteers of Children’s Clinics from all liability for any injuries or illnesses, that may be incurred while participating in Children’s Clinics Childhood Experiences, while in attendance, except for injury directly resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct.
    I consent to the photographing/video recording/ audio recording of the above-named patients by Children's Clinics staff at this event. I agree the resulting images or recordings may be used for Children's Clinics publicity or marketing purposes (brochure, pamphlet, lobby display, social media posts, printed material, etc.). I understand that I have the right to reverse this consent, in writing, at any time before the image or recording is used for the purposes indicated above.