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Sibshop (ages 7-12)

Sibshop (ages 7-12)

Brothers and sisters, ages 7 to 12, with siblings that have complex medical needs, have feelings that may be hard to express, even to a friend. Sibshop is that safe space that allows them to explore and express their feelings and meet others with shared experiences who truly understand. Sibshop celebrates the many contributions made by brothers and sisters to the family and engages them through fun and interactive games.
When: Thursday, July 17, 2025, 3:30PM-5:00PM
Where: Children’s Clinics
Sibshop Is Just For Siblings To: 
  • Laugh
  • Have fun
  • Play games
  • Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sibling with special needs
  • Spend time with other siblings that “get it”
  • A chance to be heard and seen

This group meets every third Thursday of the month!  If you’re new to the group, please register for the event.

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Jul 17 2025


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
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