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Sibshop (ages 7-12)

Brothers and sisters, ages 7 to 12, with siblings who have complex medical needs, have feelings that may be hard to express, even to a friend. Sibshop is that safe space that allows them to explore and express their feelings and meet others with shared experiences who truly understand. Sibshop celebrates the many contributions made by brothers and sisters to the family and engages them through fun and interactive games.
Sibshop Is Just For Siblings To: 
  • Laugh
  • Have fun
  • Play games
  • Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sibling with special needs
  • Spend time with other siblings that “get it”
  • A chance to be heard and seen

This group meets every third Thursday of the month (2025 Dates: No March meeting, 4/17, 5/15, 6/19, 7/17, 8/21, 9/18, 10/16). If you’re new to the group, please register for the event.

Sibshop Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Participant's Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Participant's Preferred Language*
Is the Participant a patient at Children's Clinics?
What is the name of the sibling with a disability?*
(If more than one sibling with a disability list below)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(If more than one sibling with a disability list below)
(If more than one sibling with a disability list below)
Is the sibling with a disability a patient at the Children’s Clinics?*
For example, Megan Jones is 14 years old and was born on 01/01/2010. She is a patient at the Children’s Clinics.
Does the Participant have siblings without a disability?*
For example: Megan Jones age 14, Jose Martinez age 12
Parent/Guardian Name*
How do you prefer to be contacted?*
Please identify an individual other than yourself that we can contact in case of an emergency.
Please check that you have read and agree to the following:*
I consent to the photographing/video recording/ audio recording of the above-named patients by Children's Clinics staff at this event. I agree the resulting images or recordings may be used for Children's Clinics publicity or marketing purposes (brochure, pamphlet, lobby display, social media posts, printed material, etc.). I understand that I have the right to reverse this consent, in writing, at any time before the image or recording is used for the purposes indicated above.
Agreement: I agree to stay at Children's Clinics throughout the duration of the group for my child.*